The objective is to ensure that your messages are delivered and understood correctly with all the relevant details about you and our mission.
I work within established guidelines of journalism ethics with applied Benedictine philosophy to achieve successful relationships and results of our mission.
My role is effective communication to motivate, stimulate, and NEVER destroy people's interests or opinions. I live in a Benedictine-Celestine environment and I believe in "Ora et Labora" (Work and Pray).
Understanding the rules of ethics and regulations of the media are pure leadership familiarization to excellence
I build solid relationships with other media and content creators to achieve a singular core of embedded and harmonious philosophy.
I create to see the “big picture,” and answer what is frequently asked. I study and focus on the situation so I can fill in what is missing
My role as a motivator involves being energized which is pivotal in supporting Members of the Team
Creativity alongside innovation to pitch ideas that are outstanding, disciplined, and flexible.
Inspiration is leadership to achieve success. I inspire others to work toward a common goal.